It Hurts...
When you try to open people eyes to the horrors of this world, like bringing awareness to the evils of the meat industries you get a lot of negative attention for it. You get a lot of this: "If it isn't directly affecting me why should I care it's my personal choice?" Maybe you should care because deep down you are a decent caring human being, or maybe you should care because it really IS affecting you. You may have more important things to think about like your relative dying of some kind of disease, or your own health, but what do you think is causing it? Why do you think you get sick? I believe that everyone has the right to make their own choices. I also believe that people should be aware of what they are taking part in, and what you are giving your money to. This is every persons problem not just vegans. I am trying to open your eyes to the things you are supporting when you purchase animal products.
When your personal choice is affecting this entire world it becomes everyone's problem. What you put into your body is affecting you positively or negatively. What products you buy and how they are produced has a huge impact on this entire planet. Most of the packaged food you buy from the store is full of chemicals that are bad for your health. This food is stripped of its natural nutrients and has little to no benefit to your health. Despite what the meat industry tells you through ads and commercials their meat is not good for you! When you purchase and eat animals that are suffering and dying do you really think that is good for your health or the health of the planet? Drinking milk that is specifically meant for a "baby" cow? A white liquid that oozes from a cows tit full of growth hormones and lipids meant for a 65 pound calf to grow into a 500 pound cow? No matter what it is formed into, ice cream, cheese or yogurt, it is still cows milk. This doesn't sound very natural or good for you in my opinion. There are many different and delicious vegan ice creams, cheeses and milks to choose from. You don't have to pay these industries to torture and exploit these animals for food. The next time you go to the store look at the label, if there is a long list of shit that you can barely pronounce don't buy it. When you eat whole plant foods that are full of nutrients you can avoid all of this death and disease. On a package of brown rice the ingredients label says brown rice. This is a no brainier, a bag of beans or pasta has one or two ingredients on the label. If you research these foods you will find out that they have all of the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.
In the year 1900 there were 1.6 billion people on this planet, now there are 7.4. That is a lot of people to feed! There are literally billions upon billions of animals being killed every year because of our demand for meat, eggs and dairy. The human population has grown so big over the years that killing this amount of livestock is detrimental to our ecosystem. If we continue at this rate we will all perish. Everyone in the World will be affected by this. The planet will most likely recover but you and me will be gone. The
amount of grains we feed livestock produces less food than the amount used to feed them. This food could feed every starving person on this planet. But instead we are feeding it to the animals. We could end world hunger if we used even half of this food to feed the starving. How much water do you think is used to feed these animals and to water the food they eat? What do you think happens to the waste these animals accumulate? Most of this waste goes untreated. Animal agriculture is responsible for 51% of green house gas emissions. It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pounds of beef! Learn more by clicking this link: Cowspiracy Facts!
This morning I awoke with this feeling of deep deep sadness. All around me I see people who are so blissfully ignorant. People who don't know the truth about what this world is truly like. It is so overwhelming that I started to cry. I can't stop crying. Every day billions of animals cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys, sheep and fish are killed for our consumption. These animals have thoughts, they are suffering, they feel pain and sorrow. These animals have families, brothers, sisters and mothers. Cows are being raped to produce milk for the dairy industry and babies for the veal industry. Chickens are being violently thrown into tiny cages where they can barely move. Some of them peck at each other out from the sheer frustration of being crowded. These chickens are being genetically modified to grow faster than they would naturally. This causes them to be deformed and crippled to the point where they can barely walk. Why would you want to eat an animal that has been through this? Better yet why would you want to eat any animal that has been pumped full of hormones, antibiotics and has been genetically modified in the first place?! Most of these animals are so tightly confined their whole lives that they can barely move or even turn around.
While we are here blissfully enjoying our big macs, whoppers ice cream and chicken nuggets animals are being killed and people all over the world are starving. Once someone brings it to our attention we refuse to believe it or even acknowledge it. I could understand someone not wanting to hear it but I can't understand someone not believing it. When there are countless videos and documentaries proving these horrors. The evidence is all over the place. These are not isolated incidents! It is not ethically possible to kill billions of animals humanely. Take the time to watch this video of animals trying to escape being killed. - Animals don't want to be killed. Just like you don't want to be killed! They are not even considered animals anymore. They have been reduces to things, inanimate objects for our use. No one wants to see animals being tortured, raped or beaten. Yet most of us are perfectly fine with contributing to it. A lot of people don't even realize that what they are eating is meat from a living breathing being. A month ago I watched a couple of videos that were guided by Temple Grandin on the "humane" way cows and pigs are slaughtered. Even seeing this was enough to turn me off of meat. There is no such thing as humane killing!
One more thing that has brought tears to my eyes; most of these ignorant people are dying of heart disease, cancer or any number of other diseases. If they aren't dying they are suffering from a number of conditions like arthritis, diabetes or mental problems. People are dying, animals are dying and not just the people who are starving. The people who are well fed are dying of disease. Oh ignorance is so blissful. With the antibiotics they pump these animals with, the filthy living habits they live in, the nasty food they feed them, it's no wonder people are so sick. This milk we are drinking is causing us to get very sick and causing most of our allergies. If you suffer from skin rashes like eczema, allergies like itchy eyes and constantly have a stuffy nose or migraines cut dairy out of your diet. Seriously most people are allergic to dairy and don't even realize dairy is the culprit. The packaging these meats come in are misleading to say the least. You see packages of cheese or milk with happy healthy looking cows. You see Chick-fil-a billboards telling you to eat more chicken with these cheerful looking cows on them. This is a fantasy. If most people actually saw how their food was produced they would be horrified and appalled. Since I have stopped eating this nasty shit I am disgusted that I ever ate it in the first place. None of this is humane, natural or ok!
How did we come to this point? How did we become so blinded by our eating habits and completely unaware of what we all contribute to? The meat, dairy and medical/pharmaceutical industries that is how. We have all been socially conditioned our entire lives by these industries to have an emotional disconnection from the food we eat and the animal that had to suffer to make these products. These ads and commercials are all lies. You and I have been duped! If you do any research on the meat, eggs and dairy we eat make sure it is not funded by these industries. These evil industries are making money off of you. This food is not healthy or good for you. It is making you sick, it is causing pain and suffering it is the reason for global warming and species extinction. The food we eat is killing our planet and everything living on it! Wake up!
It's so convenient to get this food that we have become lazy and most of us don't take the time to cook REAL food anymore. We have become so addicted and sedated by these foods that we actually don't realize how sick we really are. The medical and pharmaceutical industries brainwash you into thinking that most of this pain and disease is normal. That it runs genetically in the family. The only thing that runs in the family is eating meat and dairy. Only 2 to 3% of cancer is genetic. The rest is purely diet related, or from smoking, breathing in harmful chemicals or putting harmful chemicals on our skin. Heart disease is completely diet related. When you really think about it, it's kind of funny how these animals are in pain, suffering and dying and in turn the people who eat their flesh are also suffering and dying. You Are What You Eat.
When your personal choice is affecting this entire world it becomes everyone's problem. What you put into your body is affecting you positively or negatively. What products you buy and how they are produced has a huge impact on this entire planet. Most of the packaged food you buy from the store is full of chemicals that are bad for your health. This food is stripped of its natural nutrients and has little to no benefit to your health. Despite what the meat industry tells you through ads and commercials their meat is not good for you! When you purchase and eat animals that are suffering and dying do you really think that is good for your health or the health of the planet? Drinking milk that is specifically meant for a "baby" cow? A white liquid that oozes from a cows tit full of growth hormones and lipids meant for a 65 pound calf to grow into a 500 pound cow? No matter what it is formed into, ice cream, cheese or yogurt, it is still cows milk. This doesn't sound very natural or good for you in my opinion. There are many different and delicious vegan ice creams, cheeses and milks to choose from. You don't have to pay these industries to torture and exploit these animals for food. The next time you go to the store look at the label, if there is a long list of shit that you can barely pronounce don't buy it. When you eat whole plant foods that are full of nutrients you can avoid all of this death and disease. On a package of brown rice the ingredients label says brown rice. This is a no brainier, a bag of beans or pasta has one or two ingredients on the label. If you research these foods you will find out that they have all of the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.
In the year 1900 there were 1.6 billion people on this planet, now there are 7.4. That is a lot of people to feed! There are literally billions upon billions of animals being killed every year because of our demand for meat, eggs and dairy. The human population has grown so big over the years that killing this amount of livestock is detrimental to our ecosystem. If we continue at this rate we will all perish. Everyone in the World will be affected by this. The planet will most likely recover but you and me will be gone. The
People need to see more of this. Because this is reality! |
And less of this airbrushed form of reality. |
This morning I awoke with this feeling of deep deep sadness. All around me I see people who are so blissfully ignorant. People who don't know the truth about what this world is truly like. It is so overwhelming that I started to cry. I can't stop crying. Every day billions of animals cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys, sheep and fish are killed for our consumption. These animals have thoughts, they are suffering, they feel pain and sorrow. These animals have families, brothers, sisters and mothers. Cows are being raped to produce milk for the dairy industry and babies for the veal industry. Chickens are being violently thrown into tiny cages where they can barely move. Some of them peck at each other out from the sheer frustration of being crowded. These chickens are being genetically modified to grow faster than they would naturally. This causes them to be deformed and crippled to the point where they can barely walk. Why would you want to eat an animal that has been through this? Better yet why would you want to eat any animal that has been pumped full of hormones, antibiotics and has been genetically modified in the first place?! Most of these animals are so tightly confined their whole lives that they can barely move or even turn around.
These are free range chickens! |
While we are here blissfully enjoying our big macs, whoppers ice cream and chicken nuggets animals are being killed and people all over the world are starving. Once someone brings it to our attention we refuse to believe it or even acknowledge it. I could understand someone not wanting to hear it but I can't understand someone not believing it. When there are countless videos and documentaries proving these horrors. The evidence is all over the place. These are not isolated incidents! It is not ethically possible to kill billions of animals humanely. Take the time to watch this video of animals trying to escape being killed. - Animals don't want to be killed. Just like you don't want to be killed! They are not even considered animals anymore. They have been reduces to things, inanimate objects for our use. No one wants to see animals being tortured, raped or beaten. Yet most of us are perfectly fine with contributing to it. A lot of people don't even realize that what they are eating is meat from a living breathing being. A month ago I watched a couple of videos that were guided by Temple Grandin on the "humane" way cows and pigs are slaughtered. Even seeing this was enough to turn me off of meat. There is no such thing as humane killing!
One more thing that has brought tears to my eyes; most of these ignorant people are dying of heart disease, cancer or any number of other diseases. If they aren't dying they are suffering from a number of conditions like arthritis, diabetes or mental problems. People are dying, animals are dying and not just the people who are starving. The people who are well fed are dying of disease. Oh ignorance is so blissful. With the antibiotics they pump these animals with, the filthy living habits they live in, the nasty food they feed them, it's no wonder people are so sick. This milk we are drinking is causing us to get very sick and causing most of our allergies. If you suffer from skin rashes like eczema, allergies like itchy eyes and constantly have a stuffy nose or migraines cut dairy out of your diet. Seriously most people are allergic to dairy and don't even realize dairy is the culprit. The packaging these meats come in are misleading to say the least. You see packages of cheese or milk with happy healthy looking cows. You see Chick-fil-a billboards telling you to eat more chicken with these cheerful looking cows on them. This is a fantasy. If most people actually saw how their food was produced they would be horrified and appalled. Since I have stopped eating this nasty shit I am disgusted that I ever ate it in the first place. None of this is humane, natural or ok!
How did we come to this point? How did we become so blinded by our eating habits and completely unaware of what we all contribute to? The meat, dairy and medical/pharmaceutical industries that is how. We have all been socially conditioned our entire lives by these industries to have an emotional disconnection from the food we eat and the animal that had to suffer to make these products. These ads and commercials are all lies. You and I have been duped! If you do any research on the meat, eggs and dairy we eat make sure it is not funded by these industries. These evil industries are making money off of you. This food is not healthy or good for you. It is making you sick, it is causing pain and suffering it is the reason for global warming and species extinction. The food we eat is killing our planet and everything living on it! Wake up!
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