Everyone is different, not everyone can eat the same diet?
I would like to pick you brains for a little while. If you give me an open mind and a moment of your time I hope to open your eyes today. I have heard just about every excuse to not go vegan; this one in particular a lot: "Not everyone is the same, and not everyone can eat the same diet." I have to address this topic because it hit me today that this excuse is total bullshit! We are all animals of the same species are we not? We are all humans, just like all lions are lions, all chimpanzees are chimpanzees, all humans are humans. Is one lion different than another, or are all lions different and can't eat the same diet as other lions? No, one type of species eats the same diet despite your blood type. Apparently humans are confused. The only thing that we react differently to is our addiction to foods that we were not designed to eat. Heart disease is said to run in our families. This has been proven to be false. If you watch Forks over Knives you will know that heart disease is the result of a diet high in cholesterol and saturated fat, the only foods that contain this are animal products. The only thing that runs in our families (and has for years) is a diet rich in animal products. I know that a lot of people have food allergies but most of our food allergies derive from eating foods that are not natural for us and our bodies react negatively to them. This includes packaged processed sugary foods as well.
Just because we have been eating this food for centuries does not mean it is natural or good for us. It might be natural for a baby cow but it certainly isn't for humans. This explains why 65% of the human population is lactose intolerant. Once we reach age 2 we stop drinking mothers milk, this means all species. Do you see any animal suckling on their mothers tits after they have grown?
Seriously think about this. Dairy is the most mucous forming food on the planet. If you eat cheese or drink a glass of milk you will notice mucous forming in your mouth or nose. This is your body telling you it does not want this food inside of you. Once you hit age 2 you can no longer digest milk properly, once weaning is over you no longer need milk! The milk we drink isn't even meant for humans, it is meant for baby calves!
When I stopped eating meat and dairy, within months the allergies that have been plaguing me my entire life were gone, my constipation went away and the pain and bloating that always bothered my stomach went away entirely. I used to take way too long to produce a bowel movement. Almost every time I would bleed from the anus, this would be very painful and uncomfortable. All of that completely went away when I cut these foods out of my diet. When you start to eat food that was meant for your body you will feel ten times better, digest your food properly and have normal, regular bowel movements.
Worldwide osteoporosis causes more than 8.9 million fractures annually, resulting in a fracture every 3 seconds. We are told by the medical industry that the cause of this bone deterioration is lack of calcium in our diets. We are told to drink our milk and eat our cheese to build strong bones. The amount of calcium rich dairy we consume should more than make up for this happening. When in fact the dairy we eat on a daily basis is doing exactly the opposite. Learn much more here: The Perils of Dairy
I've heard people say that they went vegan for a while and got sick, or they felt weak, or they had too many cravings. When you cut filthy disease causing food out of your diet your body is going to cleanse itself. You will detox in many ways. This feeling is unpleasant and you may think that you are sick. You are not sick, you body is just getting rid of the toxins and shit from the filthy animal products you were eating before. It could take months for this to happen but you will feel better in the long run. If you feel weak on this diet you probably aren't getting enough food. You must eat more food on this diet. The food is a lot less calorie dense than the fatty animal foods. Take your weight and multiply it by 10 and that is the amount of calories you need in a day to feel well fed and energetic on this diet. It is normal to feel a little weak the first couple of days on this diet because your body is adjusting to the new diet. As far as cravings go just make sure you are eating enough good foods. If you are not eating enough you will crave the bad food again. Animal flesh and animal secretions are highly addicting. For some it may be as hard as quitting smoking. You will have to fight the cravings. I have a blog entry on why animal products are so addicting: Clear Your Mind
We are the most intelligent species on the planet, yet we eat a diet that is killing us by the millions every day! In fact 610,000 people die every year of heart disease, 7.6 million of cancer! Not more than 2 to 3% of all human cancer is attributable to purely genetic or congenial factors. The rest is due to our diet, smoking or other harmful things we expose our bodies too. Most of us are in denial about it and blatantly ignore the scientific facts. Meat, dairy and especially eggs are high in cholesterol and saturated fat, this is a fact. Cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease and is the culprit for clogging our arteries, this is a fact. All of us have IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor one) in our bodies. When we eat the amount of animal products that we do it causes these hormones to grow into cancer. Learn more here: Dr. McDougall and Insulin-like Growth Factor 1. It is obvious that the diet most humans consume is not a diet meant for humans? If a lion went against his nature deciding to only eat grass and berries he found in the wild that lion would get sick and die.
You would have to be living under a rock if you believe that vegans are not eating right or that we are not getting the right nutrients we need from animals. There is only one nutrient you need from animals and that is B12 which can easily be supplemented. The only reason we get B12 from meat is because the animals are supplemented B12. Ask any vegan if they like their diet and I guarantee they will say that they love their diet, that they are thriving on their diet, that this was the best decision they have ever made. I know hands down this is the best decision I have ever made. There are some vegans out there living off of only fruits and vegetables. Fully Raw Kristina and Freelee The Banana Girl are a couple of examples. The only way you would not thrive on this diet is if you were not eating enough or you were not educating yourself on the proper nutrition you need with this diet. Love Animals? Want to save the world? Go Vegan [ It's like becoming a super hero]
Contrary to what I hear most humans say we are frugivorous not omnivorous. Our anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and psychology all indicate that we are not omnivores. Omnivores and carnivores hunt their food down and eat it whole and raw. If we were true omnivores designed to eat meat we would relish the raw meat, we would not need to cook it. We would tear through its fur enjoying the blood, the veins and the bones. But no, we have to cook our meat so we won't die as a result of eating it. That says a lot as to weather or not we are designed to eat meat. No other omnivore or carnivore will cook their meat.
Omnivores and carnivores intestinal tracts are about 3x the length of their torso, a lot shorter than ours. This makes it easier for them to digest the meat faster. They also have more acidic stomachs giving them the ability to digest food that they swallow whole.
Humans intestinal tracts are much longer 12x the length of our torso, making it harder for us to digest meat. The meat is rotting inside of our intestines before we even fully digest it, gross! This causes pouches in our intestines and constipation. We also have to chew our food really well which is something carnivores don't have to do.
I have also heard the excuse the we evolved to eat meat because we taught ourselves how do hunt and capture our food. This is true, however the science behind whether or not we digest this food properly or that we were designed to eat it says different. Humans are smart enough to teach ourselves to hunt animals. That does not mean we were designed to eat them, or that it is good for us. We have the intelligence to teach ourselves to hunt, we also have highly intelligent scientists and doctors who have proved that this food is unhealthy for
us. This is the 21st century, the science is out there just make sure whatever you are reading isn't funded by the billion dollar meat, dairy or egg industries. These companies have been brainwashing and taking your money for years. These companies will stop at nothing and spend tons of money making you believe that their products are safe and healthy for you. They are profiting off of your ignorance. Keep in mind what you are funding when you buy food products. It's time to wake the fuck up, realize why you feel like shit, take charge of your health and make your own choices. Will you give your money to the billion dollar corporations that are making most of us sick, killing billions of animals every year and causing massive environmental destruction, or will you make the right choice for your health, the lives of animals and the health of the planet?
Just because we have been eating this food for centuries does not mean it is natural or good for us. It might be natural for a baby cow but it certainly isn't for humans. This explains why 65% of the human population is lactose intolerant. Once we reach age 2 we stop drinking mothers milk, this means all species. Do you see any animal suckling on their mothers tits after they have grown?
Seriously think about this. Dairy is the most mucous forming food on the planet. If you eat cheese or drink a glass of milk you will notice mucous forming in your mouth or nose. This is your body telling you it does not want this food inside of you. Once you hit age 2 you can no longer digest milk properly, once weaning is over you no longer need milk! The milk we drink isn't even meant for humans, it is meant for baby calves!
When I stopped eating meat and dairy, within months the allergies that have been plaguing me my entire life were gone, my constipation went away and the pain and bloating that always bothered my stomach went away entirely. I used to take way too long to produce a bowel movement. Almost every time I would bleed from the anus, this would be very painful and uncomfortable. All of that completely went away when I cut these foods out of my diet. When you start to eat food that was meant for your body you will feel ten times better, digest your food properly and have normal, regular bowel movements.
Worldwide osteoporosis causes more than 8.9 million fractures annually, resulting in a fracture every 3 seconds. We are told by the medical industry that the cause of this bone deterioration is lack of calcium in our diets. We are told to drink our milk and eat our cheese to build strong bones. The amount of calcium rich dairy we consume should more than make up for this happening. When in fact the dairy we eat on a daily basis is doing exactly the opposite. Learn much more here: The Perils of Dairy
I've heard people say that they went vegan for a while and got sick, or they felt weak, or they had too many cravings. When you cut filthy disease causing food out of your diet your body is going to cleanse itself. You will detox in many ways. This feeling is unpleasant and you may think that you are sick. You are not sick, you body is just getting rid of the toxins and shit from the filthy animal products you were eating before. It could take months for this to happen but you will feel better in the long run. If you feel weak on this diet you probably aren't getting enough food. You must eat more food on this diet. The food is a lot less calorie dense than the fatty animal foods. Take your weight and multiply it by 10 and that is the amount of calories you need in a day to feel well fed and energetic on this diet. It is normal to feel a little weak the first couple of days on this diet because your body is adjusting to the new diet. As far as cravings go just make sure you are eating enough good foods. If you are not eating enough you will crave the bad food again. Animal flesh and animal secretions are highly addicting. For some it may be as hard as quitting smoking. You will have to fight the cravings. I have a blog entry on why animal products are so addicting: Clear Your Mind
You would have to be living under a rock if you believe that vegans are not eating right or that we are not getting the right nutrients we need from animals. There is only one nutrient you need from animals and that is B12 which can easily be supplemented. The only reason we get B12 from meat is because the animals are supplemented B12. Ask any vegan if they like their diet and I guarantee they will say that they love their diet, that they are thriving on their diet, that this was the best decision they have ever made. I know hands down this is the best decision I have ever made. There are some vegans out there living off of only fruits and vegetables. Fully Raw Kristina and Freelee The Banana Girl are a couple of examples. The only way you would not thrive on this diet is if you were not eating enough or you were not educating yourself on the proper nutrition you need with this diet. Love Animals? Want to save the world? Go Vegan [ It's like becoming a super hero]
Contrary to what I hear most humans say we are frugivorous not omnivorous. Our anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and psychology all indicate that we are not omnivores. Omnivores and carnivores hunt their food down and eat it whole and raw. If we were true omnivores designed to eat meat we would relish the raw meat, we would not need to cook it. We would tear through its fur enjoying the blood, the veins and the bones. But no, we have to cook our meat so we won't die as a result of eating it. That says a lot as to weather or not we are designed to eat meat. No other omnivore or carnivore will cook their meat.
Omnivores and carnivores intestinal tracts are about 3x the length of their torso, a lot shorter than ours. This makes it easier for them to digest the meat faster. They also have more acidic stomachs giving them the ability to digest food that they swallow whole.
Humans intestinal tracts are much longer 12x the length of our torso, making it harder for us to digest meat. The meat is rotting inside of our intestines before we even fully digest it, gross! This causes pouches in our intestines and constipation. We also have to chew our food really well which is something carnivores don't have to do.
I have also heard the excuse the we evolved to eat meat because we taught ourselves how do hunt and capture our food. This is true, however the science behind whether or not we digest this food properly or that we were designed to eat it says different. Humans are smart enough to teach ourselves to hunt animals. That does not mean we were designed to eat them, or that it is good for us. We have the intelligence to teach ourselves to hunt, we also have highly intelligent scientists and doctors who have proved that this food is unhealthy for
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