Energy and Spirit
When I was a teenager I believed in the spiritual world, in good or bad energy. I have felt the energy from plants, animals and other people. When I was very young I could tell just by being near someone whether or not that person was good or bad. Just from the vibe I picked up. I remember a long time ago my sister, my mom and I were eating at Hardees. I glanced at a man sitting two tables across from us. He had this weird look on his face and he was staring at us. I felt very uneasy. My mom got up to refill her pop and the man stood up and walked towards our table. I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster and grabbed my moms purse. I was not taking my hands off of it and I swore if he tried anything I was going to scream bloody murder. He kept walking. I remember when I was a child I had so much energy and spirit. I was much happier.
I used to go outside and search for the biggest tree I could find (usually a big oak tree). I would sit with my back up against it. I would close my eyes and soak in all of the beautiful energy from nature. Listening to the wind in the trees and the chirping of the birds. Feeling the tree against my back and the grass under my legs. I would feel at peace.
Lately I have been looking at energy in a different way. I've been paying more attention to my own energy and spirit. Over the years I started to notice my energy decreasing. I lost interest in the things I loved like drawing, doing Pilates, or meditating. The older I got the sicker I felt and the more pain I felt. I had lower back pain for the longest time. I started to gain weight. I started to lose confidence in myself. The fatter I got the sicker I got. The sicker I got the more I lost my spirit. I was focused more on my pain and suffering than the things I loved. I became obese and started to get depressed, I felt like my spirit was breaking. I was falling further and further into a deep depression. A year ago I found out I had severe acid reflex disease. The doctors wanted me to get surgery for it. I was terrified! I decided to find a better, less scary cure. It was either this or I was going to end it.
Five months ago I removed three major things from my diet: meat, all dairy and eggs. At first I noticed mine and Bryan's energy were all over the place. We were happy and energetic one minute, crying the next, then screaming and throwing things. All the while we were feeling better and better. We were also oil pulling to help with detoxing. I was happy to have someone there to do it with me. I started researching detoxing and all of the symptoms that come with it. Your body will purge out toxins and this can happen physically as well as mentally. All of that negative energy was coming out of us from those animal products. That explained the ups and downs we were having.
After watching the movie Earthlings I started thinking about the animals that are bread as our food and clothing. These animals live their whole miserable lives cooped up in small cages, shoved into tight spaces where they can't even turn around, they are kept in filthy unlivable conditions. Some never feel the wind or see the sun or grass. I could only imagine how they must have felt. Their spirit broken, the anxiety and depression they must feel. Absolutely no connection to their wild nature. I realized that is what I was eating and wearing my entire life! I literally was what I ate!
You know that saying 'You are what you eat' it hit me how true that really is. All of these animals bred as food are sick and depressed. They have lost all hope. When I was eating those animals I felt exactly the way they did. I became sick, anxious and depressed. At one point I thought of suicide. I just didn't want to hurt anymore. I am trying to control my emotions as I type this.
I was raised in a small town in Missouri. My typical diet consisted of lots of dairy, refined sugars, grains and of course meat three times a day. I used to sit on the toilet and strain to go. This happened quite often because I remember my aunt and mom telling me not to push so hard "Your going to give yourself hemorrhoids!" they used to say. It eventually did lead to bleeding hemorrhoids! Little did they know I couldn't go because I wasn't digesting this food that was completely unnatural for me to eat. I became addicted to sinus medication and vapor rub because I had constant blocked sinuses. I was full of mucous. I thought I was allergic to our cats. Nope it was not the cats. It was the dairy. When I hit my 20's I started getting terrible migraines once every week or two. Dairy, meat and eggs are the most unnatural foods humans consume. For years I went to doctor after doctor for all of these conditions. They could never figure out or fix these problems! It amazes me how little our medical doctors really know. I have learned how to cure myself with no help from medical doctors.
Dr Robert Morse is a naturopathic doctor who teaches you how to cure yourself with a raw diet. This man has literally saved mine and thousands of other peoples lives!
He has a YouTube channel: robertmorsend
His own web site: Dr. Morse's herbal health club
His book: The Detox Miracle Sourcebook.
This wonderful man teaches you about the human body and it's capability to heal itself. He has a great way of explaining things so that you can understand. I realize now that I have been eating this pain, suffering, anxiety and negative energy my entire life. I stopped eating this shit and started cleansing out the 30+ years worth of shit that has been festering in my colon. He explains how we are all of the same species who should be eating the same diet. He explains why the food we eat causes mucous to form. Why it is hard for us to digest, how it is killing us and what we should be eating as frugivores. He explains our physiology and how it reflects what our species should be eating in order to be healthy. Ultimately whatever we put into our bodies, especially the food we eat daily, is what is making us sick. With the right food you can build up your lymphatic system and cure yourself naturally.
I would highly recommend looking into how your lymphatic system works and how a raw diet gives you the power to heal yourself. You wouldn't believe some of the miraculous stories of his clients. He has cured people of cancer, aids, paraplegics, bi-polar disorder and just about any disorder or disease you can think of. Your bodies lymphatic system and immune system can cure you! No matter what you have disease or disorder wise mental or physical it can be detoxed and cured out of your body! Don't underestimate the power of your bodies ability to heal. Get a second opinion and try healing the natural way. What do you really have to lose? Dr Morse also explains the energy and spirit that will be brought back into your life once you are healed. And the better connection you will have with whatever higher power you believe in.
I have been mostly raw for 3 weeks now and I am already feeling so much better. I eventually want to go fully raw but that can be a challenge living up north. I don't have a huge variety of tropical fruit. My energy is through the roof. I am detoxing in strange, sometimes scary ways, but I feel healthier and more energetic after each one. My spirit is back and I feel 20 years younger! Actually I feel better than I did when I was young because now I take a shit 2 to 3 times a day. That's something I have never done in my whole life. I feel like I can go outside again and feel good about myself. I no longer sit at home afraid to go outside because my anxiety will take over. I am happy now.
I used to go outside and search for the biggest tree I could find (usually a big oak tree). I would sit with my back up against it. I would close my eyes and soak in all of the beautiful energy from nature. Listening to the wind in the trees and the chirping of the birds. Feeling the tree against my back and the grass under my legs. I would feel at peace.
I honestly can't remember the last time I've done that.
Lately I have been looking at energy in a different way. I've been paying more attention to my own energy and spirit. Over the years I started to notice my energy decreasing. I lost interest in the things I loved like drawing, doing Pilates, or meditating. The older I got the sicker I felt and the more pain I felt. I had lower back pain for the longest time. I started to gain weight. I started to lose confidence in myself. The fatter I got the sicker I got. The sicker I got the more I lost my spirit. I was focused more on my pain and suffering than the things I loved. I became obese and started to get depressed, I felt like my spirit was breaking. I was falling further and further into a deep depression. A year ago I found out I had severe acid reflex disease. The doctors wanted me to get surgery for it. I was terrified! I decided to find a better, less scary cure. It was either this or I was going to end it.
Five months ago I removed three major things from my diet: meat, all dairy and eggs. At first I noticed mine and Bryan's energy were all over the place. We were happy and energetic one minute, crying the next, then screaming and throwing things. All the while we were feeling better and better. We were also oil pulling to help with detoxing. I was happy to have someone there to do it with me. I started researching detoxing and all of the symptoms that come with it. Your body will purge out toxins and this can happen physically as well as mentally. All of that negative energy was coming out of us from those animal products. That explained the ups and downs we were having.
After watching the movie Earthlings I started thinking about the animals that are bread as our food and clothing. These animals live their whole miserable lives cooped up in small cages, shoved into tight spaces where they can't even turn around, they are kept in filthy unlivable conditions. Some never feel the wind or see the sun or grass. I could only imagine how they must have felt. Their spirit broken, the anxiety and depression they must feel. Absolutely no connection to their wild nature. I realized that is what I was eating and wearing my entire life! I literally was what I ate!
You know that saying 'You are what you eat' it hit me how true that really is. All of these animals bred as food are sick and depressed. They have lost all hope. When I was eating those animals I felt exactly the way they did. I became sick, anxious and depressed. At one point I thought of suicide. I just didn't want to hurt anymore. I am trying to control my emotions as I type this.
I was raised in a small town in Missouri. My typical diet consisted of lots of dairy, refined sugars, grains and of course meat three times a day. I used to sit on the toilet and strain to go. This happened quite often because I remember my aunt and mom telling me not to push so hard "Your going to give yourself hemorrhoids!" they used to say. It eventually did lead to bleeding hemorrhoids! Little did they know I couldn't go because I wasn't digesting this food that was completely unnatural for me to eat. I became addicted to sinus medication and vapor rub because I had constant blocked sinuses. I was full of mucous. I thought I was allergic to our cats. Nope it was not the cats. It was the dairy. When I hit my 20's I started getting terrible migraines once every week or two. Dairy, meat and eggs are the most unnatural foods humans consume. For years I went to doctor after doctor for all of these conditions. They could never figure out or fix these problems! It amazes me how little our medical doctors really know. I have learned how to cure myself with no help from medical doctors.
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Dr. Robert Morse ND |
He has a YouTube channel: robertmorsend
His own web site: Dr. Morse's herbal health club
His book: The Detox Miracle Sourcebook.
This wonderful man teaches you about the human body and it's capability to heal itself. He has a great way of explaining things so that you can understand. I realize now that I have been eating this pain, suffering, anxiety and negative energy my entire life. I stopped eating this shit and started cleansing out the 30+ years worth of shit that has been festering in my colon. He explains how we are all of the same species who should be eating the same diet. He explains why the food we eat causes mucous to form. Why it is hard for us to digest, how it is killing us and what we should be eating as frugivores. He explains our physiology and how it reflects what our species should be eating in order to be healthy. Ultimately whatever we put into our bodies, especially the food we eat daily, is what is making us sick. With the right food you can build up your lymphatic system and cure yourself naturally.
I would highly recommend looking into how your lymphatic system works and how a raw diet gives you the power to heal yourself. You wouldn't believe some of the miraculous stories of his clients. He has cured people of cancer, aids, paraplegics, bi-polar disorder and just about any disorder or disease you can think of. Your bodies lymphatic system and immune system can cure you! No matter what you have disease or disorder wise mental or physical it can be detoxed and cured out of your body! Don't underestimate the power of your bodies ability to heal. Get a second opinion and try healing the natural way. What do you really have to lose? Dr Morse also explains the energy and spirit that will be brought back into your life once you are healed. And the better connection you will have with whatever higher power you believe in.
I have been mostly raw for 3 weeks now and I am already feeling so much better. I eventually want to go fully raw but that can be a challenge living up north. I don't have a huge variety of tropical fruit. My energy is through the roof. I am detoxing in strange, sometimes scary ways, but I feel healthier and more energetic after each one. My spirit is back and I feel 20 years younger! Actually I feel better than I did when I was young because now I take a shit 2 to 3 times a day. That's something I have never done in my whole life. I feel like I can go outside again and feel good about myself. I no longer sit at home afraid to go outside because my anxiety will take over. I am happy now.
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