Excuses excuses
Every day people are buying into industries that are killing all of us. I hear the same ridiculous excuses over and over again. People do not understand the impact they have on this planet every time they pull out their wallets. What you pay for, whether it's food, clothing or pointless shit you don't need. You are impacting all life on the planet. Money is the main motivational factor in today's world. Many foods and products are marketed and sold to us for profit at the expense of our personal health, at the expense of animals suffering and death. Take a long look at the world around you. Stop and think about what you are doing with your life. The impact you could have on this entire planet. You may be disappointed in yourself. I know I am disappointed in myself! I was fixated on buying new pointless things for my house. I would buy this crap thinking it would make me happier. Buying food at the expense of others lives. Buying things. Things to put in my house and clutter my life. Things that will just waste away.
Stop and think of the animals and people that are suffering and dying daily. People who's food is being taken from them to feed our livestock. Livestock that is killed to feed us. The diseases that are cause from eating this livestock. You can have a positive impact on this planet and your own health. Cutting certain things out of your diet. Not buying things you don't need. I know that the planet itself is not in danger. Once we all die the planet will eventually replenish itself.
There are five industries that are killing all life on our planet. The meat, dairy, egg, medical and pharmaceutical industries. When people make these excuses they are not looking at the big picture:
There is no good excuse or justification for this behavior. To continue contributing to industries that are making us all sick and killing thousands of us. These industries are destroying the beautiful planet we all share and love. Most so called intelligent humans are not so smart. Doctors go through medical school with little to no nutritional education. What we put into our bodies every day has a huge impact on our health. Doctors should learn these things. A doctor should know that eating meat daily clogs your arteries with cholesterol and causes acidosis in the body. This causing strokes, erectile dysfunction and a number of other conditions. It also causes 610,000 humans to die of heart disease every year. But no, medical doctors like to tell you it is your genes.
Some of us definitely have genetic cellular weaknesses. This is brought on by generations of poor eating habits. Disease and disorder has everything to do with what we consume on a daily basis.
Our bodies are made up of a bunch of cells and two major fluids. The blood and the lymphatic fluids. When you are eating foods that are unnatural it will damage your cells. When your cells are not working properly it causes certain organs to shut down. Organs that you need to clean your body. Especially organs that belong to your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is the bodies sewer system. This system removes toxins, cellular waste and other unwanted things from your body. When you are consuming foods that are highly acidic, such as meat, dairy and eggs this causes acidosis. Your lymphatic system will not work properly when your body is highly acidic. Learn about your lymphatic system. It is fascinating. I wish more doctors understood this.
Doctors are taught 3 things: How to give you drugs, preform surgery and give expensive treatments with little chance of saving you. They know it has little chance of saving you and in most cases it weakens your immune system and kills you.
I find it hard to believe doctors don't know that eating dairy (a liquid meant solely for a baby calf) is the reason so many men and women are having their breasts, testicles and other organs removed due to cancerous tumors and inflammation. Cutting dairy out of your diet will cure your cancer! Doctors are cutting organs out of our bodies. Organs that have a purpose! Cutting out your lymph-nodes?! Your lymphatic system is your bodies sewer system. This is the system that disposes cellular waste. Without your lymph-nodes your body cannot properly dispose toxins. Cutting out your tonsils?! Your tonsils are part of your lymphatic system, they filter toxic cellular waste from getting to your brain. I assume doctors are taught about these systems in our bodies and what functions our organs have. But doctors, who know this shit, tell you you need to remove them?! Every organ in your body has a purpose. Surgery is purely for profit.
It is important for someone who claims to know everything about our health to understand what foods we need to eat in order to stay healthy. What foods to eat in order for our organs to work properly! But guess what! Curing yourself with inexpensive healthy food is not profitable for doctors or Big Pharma. They don't want a cure. They want you to continue eating food that is making you sick. They want you to spend thousands of dollars on treatments.
They want to continue using you as a cash cow.
A friend of mine tried going vegan and his doctor told him to continue eating meat! I find it hard to believe that doctors haven't realized this. I think they know what it takes to be healthy. They just don't care. These doctors that truly don't care are pathetic greedy pieces of shit. They should be locked up as criminals in my eyes! The only doctors I trust are raw plant based doctors! Doctors who can cure you.
I want to go over some of the irrational and ridiculous excuses I have heard over the last few months on why people refuse to change their diets.
Here are some of these excuses in no particular order:
1. "But our ancestors ate meat for centuries!"
This excuse is irrational. You are comparing the unsustainable breeding and murder of billions upon billions of animals every year to that of hunting random animals centuries ago. Our ancestor did not have billions of animals parts plastic wrapped and sold at their local super market.
Our ancestors also raped, pillaged and plundered. But that doesn't make it OK today does it? Our ancestors also owned slaves but that doesn't mean its normal or necessary to own slaves either. And don't give me this "meat is a necessary staple in our diets" crap. It is quite the opposite. It is the leading cause of every disease and condition we have and it is killing us by the thousands every year!
This is someone. |
Animals are also someone. |
I looked up some of the southern excuses for slavery. I was surprised to see that all of the excuses are exactly the same excuses for animal agriculture. Defenders said it was normal, natural and necessary.
Sudden end to slavery would cause the economy to collapse! If we set the slaves free there would be widespread unemployment and chaos!
Our ancestors had slaves!
They even use the bible to defend it. They claimed that one of the ten commandments "Thou shall not covet thy neighbors house,...nor his manservant, nor his maidservant."
Using ancient text to justify having slaves or killing billions of animals while destroying the planet is one of the worse excuses out there.
They claimed slaves as property. The slaves had no legal leg to stand on.
They even claimed that some people's slaves were better cared for when they were sick. Similar to the "I only contribute to humane enslavement and slaughter" excuse.
Just because our ancestors did it doesn't mean they were right. Our ancestors did a lot of thing we don't do today. Our ancestor also didn't have plant based doctors and scientific proof we have today that animal products are destructive to our health.
2. "We are omnivores!"
Yes we taught ourselves how to hunt with spears, guns, knives or whatever tools "hunters" use. We behave and eat like omnivores, but that does not mean we are natural omnivorous hunters. A humans physiology does not contain the tools to chase down, tear open and consume the flesh, bones, fur and blood of a living creature as a true omnivore or carnivore would. Unless you are a vampire you don't have the instinct to chase down and eat prey. We have two simple tools to pick, peel and eat our food. If left out in the wild with no such tools but what we have naturally, what would we eat?
Imagine you are in Africa. You are looking at all the different species of animals giraffes, chimpanzees, lions, gazelles, birds of all kinds, elephants, gorillas, hippos, snakes, wild hogs and cheetahs. Which of these animals do we, homo-sapiens, resemble? The primates of course. We resemble the monkeys, chimps and gorillas. These are some of the strongest and biggest animals out there. And their diet is primarily fruits. Some people might argue that this is far to simplistic a comparison.
Lets dissect one of each animal I mentioned and see which one we resemble the most internally.
Which species do we resemble? |
Lets look at the animals we resemble internally and externally and what they eat:
Cats, cheetahs, lions, etc.
Diet: Mainly meats, some vegetables, grass and herbs
Digestive system:
Tongue—very rough (for pulling and tearing)
Salivary glands—none
Stomach—simple structure; small round sacks; strong gastric juices
Small intestine—smooth and short
Liver—50 percent larger than that of humans; very complex with five distinct chambers; heavy bile flow for heavy gastric juices
Eliminative system:
Colon—smooth, non-sacculated, minimal ability for absorption
GI tract—three times the length of the spine
Extremities (limbs):
Hands (upper front)—claw type
Feet (lower back)—claw type
Quadrupeds—walks on all four
Integumentary system:
Skin—100 percent covered with hair
Sweat glands—uses tongue, and has sweat glands in foot pads only
Skeletal system:
Teeth—incisor teeth in front, molars behind with large canine teeth for ripping
Jaws—unidirectional, up-and-down only
Urinary system:
Kidneys—(urine) acid
Birds (including chickens, turkeys, etc.), hogs and dogs
Diet: Some meat, vegetables, fruits, roots and some barks
Digestive system:
Tongue—moderate to rough
Salivary glands—underactive
Stomach—moderate gastric acids (HCL and pepsin)
Small intestines— somewhat sacculated, which accounts for their ability to eat vegetables
Liver—complex and larger proportionally than that of humans
Eliminative system:
Colon—shorter than human colon, with minimal absorption
GI tract—ten times the length of the spine
Extremities (limbs):
Hands—hoofs, claws, and paws
Feet—hoofs, claws, and paws
Quadrupeds—walks on all four extremities; except for birds, which have and walk on two legs only
Integumentary system:
Skin—smooth, oily, hair or feathers
Sweat glands—very minimal; only around snout (hogs) and foot pads (dogs) and none on birds
Skeletal system:
Teeth—tusk-like canine teeth or beaks
Urinary system:
Kidneys—(urine) acid
Horses, cows, sheep, elephants, deer, giraffes
Diet: Vegetables, herbs and some roots and barks
Digestive system:
Tongue—moderately rough
Salivary glands—alkaline digestion starts here
Stomach—oblong, ringed, and the most complex (as a rule, has four or more pouches or stomachs); weak stomach acids
Small intestines—long and sacculated for extensive absorption
Liver— similar to human (slightly larger in capacity)
Eliminative system:
Colon—long and sacculated (ringed) for extensive absorption
GI tract—thirty times the length of the spine
Extremities (limbs):
Hands (upper)—hoofs
Feet (lower)—hoofs
Quadrupeds—walks on all four extremities
Integumentary system:
Skin—pores with extensive hair covering entire body
Sweat glands—includes millions of perspiration ducts
Skeletal system:
Teeth—twenty-four molars, five on each side of each jaw and eight incisors (cutting teeth) in the front part of the jaws
Jaws—multi-directional, up-and-down, side-to-side, forward and backward creating a grinding effect
Urinary system:
Kidneys—(urine) alkaline
FRUGIVORES (a type of herbivore):
Humans and primates (apes, chimpanzees, monkeys)
Diet: Mainly fruits, nuts, seeds, sweet vegetables and herbs
Digestive system:
Tongue—smooth, used mainly as a shovel
Salivary glands—alkaline digestive energies start here
Stomach—oblong with two compartments
Small intestines—sacculated for extensive absorption
Liver—simple and average size, not large and complex, like carnivores
Eliminative system:
Colon—sacculated for extensive absorption
GI tract—twelve times the length of the spine
Extremities (limbs):
Hands (upper)—fingers for picking, peeling and tearing
Feet (lower)—toes Walks upright on two extremities
Integumentary system:
Skin—pores, with minimal hair
Sweat glands—includes millions of perspiration ducts
Skeletal system:
Teeth—thirty-two teeth: four incisors (cutting), two cuspids (pointed), four small molars (bicuspids), and six molars (no long canine or tusk-type teeth)
Jaws—multi-motional, dimensional, up-and-down, backward and forward, side-to-side, etc.
Urinary system:
Kidneys—(urine) alkaline
If you look at our anatomy and physiology homo-sapiens resemble the primates. Our intestinal tracts are 12 times the length of our torsos designed to digest simple fruits and veggies. Much different compared to that of a carnivore (3 times the length) or omnivore (10 times the length). The liver in a carnivore is 50% larger than ours. We are simply not designed to consume meat or the secretions (eggs and dairy) of other animals. Actually we are the only species that drinks the milk of another species. We are not omnivores, we are frugivores.
The animals we resemble the most have a diet of fruits, nuts, seeds, sweet vegetables and herbs. This is the food that helps them thrive. This food is what humans should be eating. But we are eating like omnivores and carnivores? But not really. Carnivores and omnivores do not cook their meat or any of their food. Human animals are the only species that cooks their food. Why do we cook food? As you can see above omnivores and carnivores are able to handle acidic foods. Humans and herbivores alike can not handle an acidic diet. It causes acidosis, inflammation and all of our most chronic diseases.
Raw based ND (naturopathic) doctors have cured thousands of people from many diseases and conditions with this diet. Notice I said cured not treated. Most medical doctors treat disease and this does not cure it or get to the root cause "diet".
When I am eating mostly raw fruits, nuts and seed that is when I feel my healthiest and most energetic. Bryan and I have been cured of our severe acid reflex, migraines, allergies and chronic constipation on this diet. We feel like teenagers again. We are also having sex like bunnies again!
3. "A vegan diet is unhealthy in the long run."
I pretty much covered this one already. Not only is a vegan diet healthy, it is the most natural diet for humans.
The only diet that is unhealthy in the long run is the standard American diet. It gives you heart disease, cancer and every other physical and mental conditions that plague humans.
4. "Bacon though!"
There are many different kinds of food you can make bacon with. This is a really shitty excuse:
And more! |
5. "Plants have feeling too!"
It is true that plants are living organisms. However they do not have sensory organs to see, hear, think or feel pain.
I would like to address the insanity of this excuse. First of all you are saying that two wrongs make a right here. You believe that plants have thoughts and emotions just like animals do. So that makes it OK to continue killing and eating animals? Does it also make it OK to tear down acres upon acres of rain forest to harvest the crops to feed the livestock we consume?
There is a lot of pseudoscience out there "proving" that plants have a central nervous system attached to a brain. That plants are sentient and can feel pain. First of all I would like anyone to show me where the brain and nervous system is in any plant. Plants have been proven to release toxins or have chemical reactions to touch similar to what happens to human skin when it comes into contact with the sun. But there is no proof that they feel pain or have emotional connections.
People who claim to believe this don't act on it. I don't see any plant activists out there fighting for the rights of plant freedom. People use this excuse to diminish the all to real suffering that is created but killing and consuming animals.
Pain in humans is caused by acidosis in our bodies. Acidosis is brought on by eating highly acidic foods like the standard american diet. Pain is present in animals so we can move around to avoid further injury. What purpose would pain have for plants?
6. "I don't want to become protein deficient!"
Name of one person you know who has died of a protein deficiency? Do you even know the scientific name for protein deficiency (Kwashiorkor)?
Vegan since birth! |
7. "The bible says God put animals here for us to eat."
The bible also says:
"And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Genesis 1:29.
Using the ancient text from a book to justify killing all life on our planet is completely inexcusable. I've heard it also says in the bible not to eat pig meat. The bible can be misinterpreted so much that we can't take it seriously anymore. I mean people are actually killing each other over this ancient text. Except for Buddhism. Buddhism teaches you that killing is wrong for any species.
No religion mandates meat eating!
8. "I love cheese too much."
This was my biggest excuse! I refused to go vegan years ago because I was utterly addicted to cheese. Once I learned the horror that is the dairy industry and why I was addicted it was easier for me to quit. And I did, cold turkey. Cheese contains small traces of morphine.
Here is a quote from Dr. Neal Bernard. A well know plant based doctor:
"When cows milk is solidified into cheese all the liquid is pressed out leaving a highly concentrated amount of casomorphines. You might call it dairy crack."
I no longer crave cheese. Just like I no longer crave cigarettes. You can get over this addiction. Cheese is what is making us fat and giving us cancer!
There is vegan cheese out there that is aged and tastes exactly like the real thing:
Watching the video below over and over again helped me overcome this addiction:
9. "Real men eat meat!"
10. "I only buy local, free range, organic, cage free, grass fed, humane meat, dairy and eggs!"
It does not matter what labels they put on animal products They are still not meant for human consumption |
These labels are used solely for marketing purposes and have little to no credibility. They post pictures of happy animals galloping through grass. These are lies! There is no such thing as humane slaughter or slavery. No matter how the animal was treated it still does not want to to be imprisoned and it did not want to die. They slap these labels on foods to make you feel better about your unhealthy, unethical food choices. No matter how the animal was treated these products still contain cholesterol and hormones that will kill you. Cows milk naturally contains a hormone meant for their babies to grow into 500 pound animals. That's what cows milk is, baby cow growth formula! Just like human breast milk is baby formula. Calling it organic is not going to change that.
Start making changes |
None of these excuses are good enough. Most of them are ridiculous. There is no justice in the enslavement or murder of billions of animals. There is no good excuse to continue with this behavior. The golden rule is do unto others as you would do onto yourself.
Animals qualify as others!
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