The Most Fascinating Subject
There are only two colors of the eyes in humans. Blue or brown and depending on how toxic you are the color of your eyes can change. I am wondering if I might have blue underneath all of this black and brown. But I suspect they will be brown.
Below are pictures of my left and right eyes. I am very toxic. I can tell because the darker your eyes, the more toxic you are. I was born with almost black eyes. People with green eyes actually have blue eyes. They look green because of toxic build up. Once they starts to cleanse themselves with raw fruits, berries and melons their eyes will eventually turn blue.
My Left Eye
If you look up at the chart above you can see that my kidneys are not filtering properly.
I also have weakness in my lungs and heart. Probably from smoking years back.
My lymphatic system is stagnant. I can tell because my kidneys are not filtering properly. Once you learn the lymphatic system (the bodies sewer system) you will understand what it takes to get well. The most important lymphatic organs are the kidneys, adrenal glands, tonsils and liver. The body consists of a bunch of cells and two fluids: The blood and lymph fluids. Your lymph fluids are what clean your cells and flush toxins out of your body.
Below is a photo of my best friend Stephanie's eyes:
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You can find many different charts online |
Steph's Left Eye Same thing in this eye only slight weaknesses in her gut. |
The more red you have in the whites of your eyes, the more acidic you are. Acidosis is caused by eating highly acidic foods. The most acidic foods we eat are animal products such as dairy and meat and by cooking (killing) our food. Sour cream, tomatoes and onions in particular. If I eat cooked onions or tomatoes my acid reflex comes back almost every time. It usually happens with a cough that leaves me breathless. Most humans are in a state of acidosis. Causing inflammation and damaged cells. This causes your lymphatic system to go stagnant. Hair loss is another sign of acidosis. Men as young as 25 are seeing signs of hair loss. You can grow your hair back on a raw foods diet.
Medical doctors and most nutritionists don't know these things. Their school books and classes are funded by Big Pharma. These big corporations can't have people knowing the truth. It would hurt their profits. They want you sick. They want you to buy expensive drugs, treatments and undergo surgery to remove important organs. They use people as cash cows. It would be much less extreme (much cheaper) to change your lifestyle. Much safer too. A medical doctor would sooner have you remove your tonsils than to put you on a diet that will save this vital organ. Your tonsils are an important organ in the lymphatic system. They filter chemicals from getting to your brain. The liver is also a filter for the body. Your kidneys are the most important organ in the body for filtering out toxins. If your kidneys are not filtering you'll be in big trouble in the future.
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Dr. Robert Morse N.D. |
There are Naturopathic doctors out there who can help you. These doctors cure people from all sorts of diseases and disorders including Depression, Cancer and AIDS. Dr. Robert Morse is one of them. His office is in Port Charlotte Florida. I hope to see him while I'm down there next week. He also has a website where you can take his detoxification classes online: Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club I plan on taking those classes when I get the money. Results are what we want not masking the condition or making it worse which is what the medical industry is doing today.
It's fascinating that just by looking in the eyes you can see how sick you are. You can see exactly what parts of your body are weak and what parts are healthy. It's also fascinating how your eyes can change color depending on how much you are detoxing.
There are many ways to detox. There is juice fasting, only fruit, the master cleanse (a concoction of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper), fruits with veggies, strictly one fruit fasting and water fasting. If you want to do a fast where you only consume one fruit I would recommend grapes. Grapes are a very cleansing fruit. They are highly anti-inflammatory.
Fasting is completely safe and anyone can do it. Just keep in mind that detoxing comes in many forms and can sometimes be very intense. There were days where I felt like I was dying, there were days where I had emotional break downs. But I suffered through it and came out feeling amazing. If the detoxing is too intense just slow it down. You do this by eating something cooked. It's that simple. You have to feel worse before you feel better.
It would be smart to slowly start eating healthier instead of jumping right into an fully raw diet. Some people find the detoxing too intense. Especially someone who is highly toxic. Fruit is the most detoxing food you can eat. When you stop eating cooked food cold turkey and start a diet of only fruit you may experience some intense detoxing.
Every one has toxins. From the food we eat, the water we drink to the air we breath we are absorbing toxins. Especially the food we eat and drink Detoxing is one of the best roads to healing and curing every disease and disorder we have.
If you are interested in iridology I have provided a video below showing how to take a proper photo of your eye. You can take a photo of your eyes and study these charts to see how toxic you are. I would recommend using a little marker or eyeliner to mark underneath one eye so you can tell them apart. You can go to Dr. Morse's YouTube channel or his website and learn more about healing.
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