The Matrix has you!

 Wake up! The Matrix has you. I am here to reveal the truth. Turn off your television. Don't watch any more commercials. Don't watch the news. Consumers, you are being told how to think, what to eat, what to wear and what to buy. You have been told these things your whole life. You have been told that milk does a body good. Milk is a good source of calcium for strong bones. 
Then why do we get osteoporosis when we are older? 
You have been told that meat is the best source of protein. 
Then why do so many of us have high cholesterol and undergo painful open heart surgery every year? 
What comes after that? Prescription drugs, you can bet that after every meat or dairy commercial you will see an ad for a pill. Turn the television off. Pick up a book. Not just any book. Pick up a book with actual scientific facts, a book written by a doctor who uses plant based healing or a scientist. Books like How not to Die by Dr. Micheal Greger, The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall or the China Study by T. Collin Campbell. Watch an educational documentary on the food you eat. There are several: Fed Up, Forks Over Knives, Hungry For Change, Plant Pure Nation and more. Think for yourself. Stop letting them think for you. 

 You eat the food that is commercialized. That food makes you sick. Then you have to take medication from the pharmaceutical industries to "get better". This man made medicine does not cure you. Pills only masks the symptoms. The meat, dairy, medical and pharmaceutical industries are making money off of you. They are a business. The meat and dairy industries need you to see these commercial so that you will buy the food. They are harming billions of animals in the process. Do you realize how many obese people there are in this country? 68% of people in this country are obese. That is over half of the population. Frankly I am a little concerned about our national security. When half of our population is too obese and sick to fight for our country we have a problem. Do you know how many people have heart disease in this country? 610,000 people die of heart disease every year in this country. Do you know what causes this? Meat, eggs and dairy cause this. These foods also cause many other diseases. All of these foods have cholesterol. Cholesterol clogs your arteries and reduces blood flow to the heart. If you are reading this you probably know at least one person with this disease. 
 You need to know where your food comes from. Watch the movie Earthlings or Farm to Fridge. Make the connection. Once you find out you will never go back. Once you take those blinders off and see the truth you can't UN-see it. The food you eat is filthy, it is cruel and it is killing our planet. The filthy conditions these animals have to live in and the antibiotics they pump them full of would shun you from meat forever. Animal Agriculture is the leading cause of global warming. It uses the most water. It causes the most green house gas emissions. It is the leading cause of deforestation and species extinction. Watch Cowspiracy and you will learn how Animal Agriculture effects the climate. If we don't do something major to stop this we will have no planet to live on.

One year before I was born one of the briefest, most superficial reports on health ever produced by the NSA was aired on national television. Tom Brokaw and Bob Olsen (a well paid scientist and consultant to the egg industry) appeared on a morning TV news show. They were discussing nutrition and the American diet. They were talking about a report that Olsen and friends had produced at the National Academy of Sciences called "Toward Healthful Diets." This report confirmed that the high fat, high meat American diet was all and well. Olsen even went on to say that McDonald hamburgers were fine to eat. Millions of people saw this. No wonder people in this country are confused about what is healthy to eat! This is brainwashing at its finest!  

 I am disgusted. I had been eating McDonald's cheeseburgers most of my life. Up until I switched to a vegan diet. I still crave them now. These foods are severely addicting. So is cheese. Cheese has traces of morphine in it. These industries are making us addicted and sick. Quitting meat, dairy and eggs is like quitting smoking. It is obviously bad for you! It's time to start choosing your food. Stop letting them choose for you! 



  1. Great Post
    Agree 100%
    Took me years to finally self educate and now I have been a vegan for 5 years.. Best thing I have ever done.. Lets hope more people wake up


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