5 Crucial things I have learned since going vegan!

I am going to start with what I find to be the scariest thing I have learned just to get that out of the way:

1. The Oceans:

At the rate humans are fishing life out of the ocean we could see fish less oceans by the year 2048. The health of our oceans is vital to all life on this planet including us living on land. In fact the oceans are the only reason our planet has life. The ocean covers 71% of the entire earths surface. The ocean provides 85% of the oxygen we all breath. Every 2-3 breaths we take come from the ocean. Captain Paul Watson a marine life conservationist has said, "If the oceans die, we all die." 

Humans have fished the oceans for thousands of years, but with the rise of commercial fishing, pollution, run off and habitat destruction marine life cannot replenish themselves fast enough. This issue is incredibly complex and I am barely scratching the surface here much like our vast unexplored oceans.
To understand the depletion of marine life we first must address the main causes: Over fishing, ocean dead zones and habitat destruction. You can read a full and detailed essay about this written by Emily from Bite Size Vegan by going to this link:  Another vegan nugget.  
While you are there give her some support and subscribe to her YouTube channel because this lady is amazing and works very hard. She deserves way more subscribers than she has at the moment. 

2. The food we eat:

We do not need the flesh of animals or their secretions in order to survive. All of the nutrient our body needs can be found from plant foods. We do not need to filter our nutrients through the bodies of other living things. The only supplement vegans need is B12. The only reason we get this nutrient from the animals is because the animals themselves are supplemented it. B12 is not made by animals or plants either it is made by little microbes that blanket the earth. We used to get all the B12 we needed from well water or mountain streams but with the chlorine they put in our tap water now it kills this bacteria. 

Protein is what vegans get interrogated most about. First of all the average amount of protein the human body needs is about 42 grams, meat eaters get about 75 grams, so do vegans and so do vegetarians. Everybody gets 70% more protein than they need. So you see the problem here is not that we don't get enough protein, we are getting more than enough protein. 
The ironic thing is that there is one nutrient in particular that 97% of people are not getting enough of and that is fiber.  The question isn't "Where do you get your protein?" the question is "Where do you get your fiber?" Because this is the nutrient that 97% of people do not reach their daily requirement of. 

Every vitamin the body needs can be found in the food grown naturally from the earth. Potatoes, rice, beans, legumes, fruits, pasta and veggies are things that all of us do not eat enough of! The majority of our meals need to be from plants. Meat and any other animal products are completely devoid of fiber, and yet we are eating this morning, afternoon and night every day. Fiber is on of the nutrients that without has consequences. Fiber is what helps us pass bowel movements easier, it also lowers our risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. So you see we do not need meat or animal secretions to be healthy, in fact it is quite the opposite.

3. Doctors: 

Unfortunately M.D. doctors who have a PhD these days have learned how to give expensive treatments, prescribe drugs and administrate surgery, that's about it. Almost none have had any nutritional education. This is because Big Pharma is funding their books and trying to buy them expensive meals to seduce them into selling their drugs. The biggest drug on the market is Lipitor, this drug is supposed to combat heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country killing 610,000 people every year. What causes heart disease? The cholesterol found in animal products. Cholesterol clogs our arteries causing everything from heart attacks, to strokes and erectile dysfunction. If you want to learn more watch Forks Over Knives on Netflix. 

4. The worlds forgotten victims, the Animals:

If you think murdering an animal humanely is the answer then let me ask you this, what is your definition of humane? Do you believe there is such a thing as humane rape, humane child molestation, humane slavery or a humane holocaust? What is your definition of a holocaust? Is it a massacre of human beings, or a massacre of innocent beings? This brings us to the biggest holocaust in human history: 
Every year without mercy we murder 10 billion land animals, and 18 billion marine animals. Not for health, not for survival, sustenance or self defense. We eat animals and their secretion for 4 reasons: Habit, tradition, convenience and taste. Animals are not our property, they are not commodities or inanimate objects who can't think or feel. They are not on this earth for our entertainment or fashion. This backwards way of thinking is outdated and quite frankly 100% insane!  
If we can all understand that animals use their eyes to see and cry, their ears to hear, noses to smell, legs to walk, genitalia to procreate and bowels to defecate, then we can understand that they use their brains to think, feel or be rational and self aware. It all comes down to having genuine piece and compassion for all life on this planet. The propaganda from the animal abusers (the meat and dairy industries) is enormous! If you are doing your research you must make sure it is not funded by their lies. These industries are the ultimate reason for the destruction of all life on this planet. 

5. Global Warming:

The animal agriculture industry is the #1 reason for global warming. Watch the move Cowspiracy or go to their web site and learn about the massive destruction this industry is causing to our ecosystem. The video below covers all the issues of climate change, water conservation, fracking, ocean dead zones, waste management, species extinction, habitat destruction, land usage and deforestation. 
Football field size portions of the rain-forest are being torn down every year to grow grains. As a
result 67% of the worlds grains are set aside to feed 53 billion land animals every year. This is causing children to starve to DEATH from food shortages. We eat like kings while they die. And people like to say it is a privilege or that you should be thankful for having the choice to eat a steak!

These industries only have power if we give them that power. The meat, dairy, egg and pharmaceutical industries are destroying all life on the planet. The solution is to stop supporting them with your money. Vegans are not here to be your enemy. We are not trying to take you away from your religion. No religion mandates meat eating. The golden rule states do onto other as you would have done onto yourself. Animals qualify as others, and thou shall not kill.
If you think vegans have some sort of agenda because we are telling you what to eat, we don't. We only ask that you make a conscious effort not to contribute to the senseless slaughter of billions of animals just because you like how they taste. All animal products have vegan alternatives that are just as tasty and you can eat them with a clear conscience. The idea that we are making conscious independent decisions about what we eat is quite amusing considering that we have been told what to eat by marketing adds by the meat and dairy industries since birth. They have an agenda that is definitely not in your best interest.  We  simply ask that you to stop supporting the problem. The vegan movement is the fastest growing movement to take action on stopping the destruction of all life on the planet. We are growing by the 100's every day. You can leave this blog today and be able to fully say these atrocities will never be done in my name. You can leave here and directly participate in ending a massacre. Don't be afraid to do the right thing.


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