I'm a perfect vegan [No you are not!]

Is there such a thing as a perfect vegan?


Any vegan who claims to be perfect needs to be knocked down off of their high horse. These vegans who (apparently have nothing better to do) go around picking apart what other vegans are doing. Find the most minuscule thing you are doing wrong and accuses you of not being vegan. 

"Stop calling yourself a vegan!"

"You're not a vegan!"

"OMG she is using a mascara that was tested on animals! She is not vegan! I am going to tell that bitch she is not vegan!" 

I label these militant vegan assholes: 
Holier Than Thou-Vegans

Exactly what are you trying to accomplish? Do you really think telling a vegan (someone who is doing a wonderful thing for the planet) to stop calling themselves vegan is helping the movement? Do you think pushing a fellow vegan away is helping the animals? How would you like it if someone found a mistake you made and accused you of not being vegan? Our goal is to save all life on the planet. This means getting as many people to stop supporting the destruction of the environment and the needless death of animals. Not to push people away. Why not bring awareness to their mistake? Let them learn a lesson. Next time they won't make the mistake again. 

What if the vegan you are chastising decided to rethink going vegan? What if they said to themselves, "Damn these vegans are a bunch of assholes. I don't want to be part of that. Fuck this shit."
Then they quit.
 Congratulations, you have deterred someone who could join millions of us to save all life on our planet!  

Being vegan does not magically make you perfect or better than anyone! If you think this way you are delusional. I am vegan but far from perfect. I cuss like a sailor. I have mistakenly bought products that contain animal ingredients. I didn't catch it the first time reading the label. I kill bugs (only if they bite or sting me, never on purpose!). I feed my non-vegan cats meat (because they are carnivores not vegans). Even I had this holier than thou mentality at the beginning of my vegan journey but I had enough sense to stop being an asshole!

I learned from my mistakes and I haven't repeated them. Except for cussing that is one of my favorite things to do.
There are vegans out there that will use any of these things to chastise you. 

If you are trying your best to stop the suffering and death of animals you are a vegan. It is not up to anyone else to label you. Unless you are knowingly purchasing animal products you could easily avoid You Are Vegan! It is OK to make mistakes every once in a while. I've been vegan a year now and still make mistakes. I have never thrown in the towel. I learned from my mistakes and never did them again.

The first week I was transitioning I was eating this Parmesan cheese that I assumed was vegan. Go Veggie was the brand. It was beside some other vegan cheeses.Turns out it had casein in it, which is the protein found in cows milk. I could not believe it! I was furious. I remember saying "Wtf! Why do they even bother making this shit? Why not put it with the real cheese?" Needless to say I didn't buy it again. Luckily I found some vegan Parmesan by the same company. 

Don't be an asshole. Stop pointing out every vegans flaws. Focus on the positive things they are doing. You are not helping the movement with this behavior! Everyone makes mistakes. Even you! So get over yourself!

And go Vegan! ✌ 💗 😊


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