Clear your Mind
The food we eat affects the way we think, the way we feel and our overall health. When you are eating foods that are acidic, foods that cause your body to become inflamed, this food will also cause pain. When your body is constantly in pain it is hard to think straight, hard to sleep and hard to focus. These foods can cause constipation, arthritis and any number of diseases and chronic pain. The foods I am talking about are sugary processed packaged food, meat, eggs and dairy products. These foods have been proven by many scientists and plant based doctors to cause disease, addiction and pain.
This is a trap, a vicious cycle. They want you to see all of these commercials, ads and billboards. They want you to eat these foods and continue to get sick from them. Then they want you to pay for expensive treatments and medicine. You have the choice to stop buying these foods. No one is holding a gun to your head. You can break the addiction.
My fiance Bryan and I went vegan three months ago. We now think more clearly, sleep through the night and have no more pain. Bryan has suffered from ADD and OCD his whole life. He has also had severe constipation. Since going vegan he is able to focus better than ever and his OCD is getting better. His constipation is getting much better. He has more energy and is working out more. Also we are having sex a lot more!
Before I went vegan I had severe acid reflex disease, horrible allergies, skin rashes and migraine headaches all the time. Some of the research I have done on dairy has proven that dairy was the culprit. Once I cut the dairy out my allergies, rashes and migraines are completely gone! Most people who suffer from eczema, skin rashes, asthma and sinuses don't realize that dairy is the cause. Dairy and meat also cause constipation. If you cut dairy out of your diet most of these uncomfortable symptoms will go away.
Dairy causes these problems because cows milk is meant for a specific species of animal, cows. Of course humans won't thrive on the milk of another species! Humans drink mothers milk when they are babies. Once the weaning is over they no longer need that milk. The same goes with other species of animal once they are of age they no longer drink from their mothers tit. Despite what the commercials and ads are telling you, milk might do a body good, but certainly not a humans body.
These horrible foods are pushed on children in schools, and are pushed on this entire country. Dairy, meat and sugary processed products are highly addictive. Causing the mind to be clouded. When you go off of this food you can only think of one thing, eating more of it. Like smoking and drugs these foods are not natural or okay. These foods are causing disease and addiction. These foods are causing us to be mentally paralyzed. These foods cause anxiety about yourself, others and the food you eat in general.
I have reason to believe that these addictive foods are also the cause of most of our other addictions, like smoking, drinking and all prescription drugs. These foods cause pain. When you are in pain you want to stop that pain. The problem is that people are not taking the right path to stopping the pain. Stop the root of the problem. Taking drugs and drinking will numb the pain, will momentarily distract you from reality but it will not stop or cure the problem.
If you do your research on the foods we all eat make sure you look at who is funding the research. The meat, dairy, egg and processed food companies will stop at nothing and pay millions to tell you their food is good and nutritious.
When you actually try to get healthy and cut these foods out you will go through some detoxing and healing. I have a blog entry on this subject right here: Why don't more vegans talk about this? This is called a healing crisis. Your body has to get worse to get better. When you start to eat clean whole foods like pasta, rice, potatoes, beans, legumes, fruits and veggies your body will rid itself of the toxins and shit the animal products and processed foods have accumulated. You have been eating these foods your whole life so it will take time for your body to get rid of the toxins. The healing crisis is called a crisis because it isn't pleasant, but it is necessary to go through if you want to obtain optimal health.
When you stop eating these foods that cloud your mind with pain, constipation and disease you will be able to focus more on your dreams. When you are constantly not feeling well that is all you are going to think about. Being free of toxic foods that cause pain and cloud your mind is a wonderful thing. Now you are able to focus on what you want and love in life, and less on the pain and suffering that these horrible foods cause. It will feel like a heavy cloud was lifted from your mind.
These addictions are consuming you. It wasn't until I actually stopped eating the toxic food that I realized how true this really is. Addiction takes over and consumes you. I truly did not realize how sick and unhappy I really was until I got healthier. I thought I was healthy and normal. Think for yourself and don't let food and drug companies tell you what to eat and what pills to take.
Once you are able to think more clearly and are no longer consumed by pain and addiction, you can focus more on the things you love to do and follow your dreams. Don't go to medical doctors that prescribe drugs. Look up Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr John McDougal, Dr. Colin Cambell, Dr. Robert Morse, Dr. Micheal Gregor and Dr. Neil Bernard. Find a narturopathic or MD doctor that uses plant based medicine and diet. These doctors will heal you, not suppress the symptoms. Here is a wonderful web site for finding plant based doctors in all areas: Plant-Based
Let food be your medicine!
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