Why don't more Vegans talk about this?

  I read this book. It wasn't a vegan book but it did help me through my vegan journey. It is called The Healing Crisis by Dr. Bruce Fife N D. This book explains what a healing crisis is and what to do when your body is going through a healing crisis. If you are putting an effort into eating better or detoxing I would strongly advise you to read up and understand the healing crisis. I will explain it as much as I can. Everything I am going to tell you I have learned from this book and my own personal experiences. I highly recommend this book. You will learn better from the doctor’s mouth.

  A healing crisis is what your body goes through when it is healing itself. Throughout your entire life your body accumulates toxins. Whether it is from food, the air we breathe or what we put on our skin but mostly what we eat and drink. When you are doing a detox, natural medicine or changing to a healthier diet your body will rid itself of toxins. This will be unpleasant at times. At times you can even feel like you are dying. They call it a healing 'crisis' because it can be very unpleasant.

 I have been cleansing and detoxing my body for several months now with oil pulling and a vegan diet. Dr. Fife writes a book on oil pulling as well. Oil pulling is a form of detoxing through swishing oil in your mouth. I am currently going through one of these crises. When you go through a healing crisis your body will purge toxins from any and every orifice of your body. This includes vomiting from the mouth, crying through the eyes, getting acne or a rash through the pores, diarrhea from the butt hole or snot and mucous from the nose and mouth. You may also get aches and pains, abscess teeth or any number of things. Since I have been on my healing journey I have had pain in my right knee for months now. To get healthy you must go through this crisis. You will have to suffer through it. Do not go to the doctor or take any medication. Any sort of medication you take will be unnatural and will stop the healing process. Any kind of medication will be adding more toxins into the body. Like I said your body is healing naturally without medication.   

 Going on a vegan diet will have the same kind of effect. When you go vegan your body is getting used to this new healthier food. Your body will want to rid itself of the toxins the chemically processed food accumulated over the years. Toxins are mostly stored in your fat cells. I have a rash all over my right thigh as we speak. Most of my fat is in this area. This makes a lot of sense. I've also had rashes my whole life. In the book Dr. Fife says that if you suffer from any sort of health problems a healing crisis will bring this back. It will probably be worse during the crisis because your body is healing the problem. I used to get migraines every week. During the healing crisis I had the worse migraine of my life. After it was over I haven't had a migraine since. My migraines were also triggered by the dairy I was eating on a daily basis. I found this out after eating cheese 2 weeks into my vegan diet. I ordered a potato burrito at this Mexican restaurant and failed to see one of the ingredients being cheese. I should have sent it back. Immediately after eating it I got a horrible migraine. This was after pulling and I hadn't had one for a while. If you suffer from migraines cut dairy out of your diet. No seriously your migraines will most likely go away. Dairy was also the cause of my allergies and skin rashes. 

   The book also explains the difference between a healing crisis and a disease crisis. In a healing crisis your body is becoming healthier and stronger. After a healing crisis you feel better and more energetic. A disease crisis develops when toxins in the body have reaches their limit and the immune system can no longer handle them. Your immune system has been weakened from bad eating habits. In some cases like pneumonia or a really bad flu death occurs. The body reacts with heavy cleansing and you will need rest. You will feel aches pains and have lack of appetite during a disease crisis. Your body brings on these symptoms in order to slow down the intake of more toxins so the body can cleanse. The flu or a cold is caught during stressful times in your life when things are going wrong with work, school or family. A disease crisis happens when a gradual build up of toxins from food, drugs, environmental pollutants, or microorganisms occurs and the body can no longer handle it. A disease crisis occurs to save your life.

 A healing crisis happens when you actually put an effort into being healthier. If you are eating foods full of nutrients that are good for you, your body will get rid of the bad toxins. Foods like raw fruits and vegetables. These foods cause your body to be more alkaline and give your body the means to heal. Cut out meat, dairy, eggs and sugary processed foods. These foods are acidic and will cause your body to be inflamed causing pain and suffering. The healing crisis is a product of natural laws. You can tell the difference between a healing or disease crisis by the way you feel. After a healing crisis you feel great. Your body is healed and you have more energy. Your body has removed toxins and has grown stronger. Your immune system has improved. If you have been accumulating toxins most of your life a month of detoxing probably won't work. 

 You will need a lifestyle change in order to obtain optimal health. A disease crisis may happen when you are constantly exposing your body to negative influences that your body can't handle. If you are sneaking treats, smoking, taking medication, using external chemicals on your skin or undergoing excessive stress disease crisis may result.  If the flu is going around you may catch it because your immune system has been weakened. If the flu is not affecting those around you and you feel like you have the flu it is most likely a healing crisis. Yes a healing crisis can feel like a disease crisis. But after the healing crisis you feel better. After a disease crisis you feel the same as you did before, just no longer sick. Eating clean foods without bad chemicals and toxins is the best way to a healthier you. A whole foods plant based diet is the best way to go. Foods like beans, rice, lentils, vegetables and fruits. Eat foods with vibrant colors, the foods themselves not the packages. I've noticed the more colorful a packaged processed food is the least healthy it is. 

  Listen to your body. If you are truly giving your body a shot at healing. If you are staying away from chemicals and bad foods and eating healthier or detoxing you can go through several healing crises. You will feel better after each one. If you feel tired lay down. If you have a rash use something natural on it like coconut oil or aloe. I have an Aloe Vera plant that I am using on my rash right now. If you have a headache lay down. Oatmeal also helps with rashes. When I was going through that migraine healing crisis, instead of going to a doctor I oil pulled. My migraine was gone in an hour. When you are oil pulling the more you pull the faster you get through the crisis. 

 When someone first encounters a healing crisis it is common to worry. Even if you are well informed about the discomforts of it you may still get scared and not accept, or understand it. The healing crisis is the most misunderstood way of healing. You may have the healing symptoms for days and want to seek medical attention. If you go to the doctor all they will do is diagnose you and give you medication to suppress the symptoms. This will stop the healing process. These symptoms are necessary for the removal of toxins. YOU WILL HAVE TO SUFFER THROUGH IT! You must be strong. You can do it. These symptoms are not a disease. They are the body healing itself. Suppressing symptoms with medication will not cure you. Your immune system is what cures you. With a healthy immune system you can overcome most disease. In order to build a healthy immune system you must feed your body healthy things and avoid toxins and bad chemicals. I say bad chemicals because not all chemicals are bad. I mean oxygen and water are also chemicals. 

 The healing crisis I believe is one of the biggest reasons people don't stick to a better diet or a vegan diet. When you try to get healthier this is what your body will go through. It can be scary and most people will think that they are getting sick from the new diet and stop. It's not you getting sick. It is your body healing. You have to feel worse to feel better. You may go through many of them. Remember you are ridding your body of toxins that have been in your body your entire life. It is going to take a while. You have to want it bad enough and have the strength to go through with it. Trust me it is worth it! 

 Bryan and I went through some pretty scary healing crises. At times we both thought we would die. But we were strong and we suffered through it. We were there for each other. We are healthier and stronger from it. It helps when you have someone to do it with. Someone who will be there and also understands. I would love to hear other people’s experiences with healing and share stories. Leave comments and let’s have a discussion about this!

 It has been a week since I've updated this blog entry. My rash has spread all over my body. I know it's a healing crisis. I have never been this uncomfortable! I have been looking more into the healing crisis and I found some videos created by Dr. Robert Morse. This man explains the healing crisis very well. He has many stories of some pretty scary healing crises. He also will answer any questions you may have while going through a healing crisis. I am going to post two videos down below.


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