The major downside of veganism.

   The moment you go vegan is the moment you make a connection. That connection between the dead animal that is on your plate and the beautiful one that is being hung upside down right in front of you on the TV screen. Her throat is slit. She is trying to breath, but just keeps aspirating her own blood. Because the sociopathic, heartless slaughter house worker entertains himself with making an already hideously inhumane death that much more torturous. 

   Not all slaughter house workers are sociopathic assholes. Some have no choice but to work there. This is no ones dream job...

   This is a major downside to being a vegan.

   Having the evidence right in your face of these completely inexcusable things humans do to animals. This is appalling and very hard to accept as what is normal in our society! It's a lot like slavery when you think about it. Owning a living being as your property!? Like it's some inanimate object that can't think or feel the same as you. I have looked up some of the ridiculous arguments for slavery and they all sound, I shit you not, exactly like the arguments for animal agriculture:

Excuses for slavery 

   It's something that is morally wrong, there is no difference. Because animals are dying and people are getting sick from this contaminated meat. 

   It's polluting our water and our air. Its chopping down the rain-forest and emptying out our oceans. It is causing children in other countries to

starve -literally- starve to death because their food is being shipped to our country to feed the billions of animals that we do not need to eat in order to survive. This is a huge waste of resources. 

   One major downside to being a vegan is living in a area called America's Dairy Land where every time you travel anywhere all you see are farms, after farms, after farms of cow being held against their will, fattened up. Their babies stolen from them.

  I drove by a dairy/veal farm two days ago. I saw rows and rows of baby cows in little dog like houses, not with their mothers, and they all looked sad and hopeless. A mother cow cries for days to have her baby returned to her? Why would you want to break up a family like this just because you are addicted to cheese, a solidified form of baby cow formula? 

   Knowing the truth that no one wants to believe.

It's a lot like the scenes in a horror movie where you see the horrible demon, you know it is going to kill everyone, you try to warn everyone, and yet no one believes you or gives a shit.

   This is a major downside to being a vegan.

   Realizing that we are running out of resources to feed a widespread addiction that is killing us by the thousands every year. We are going to see catastrophic climate change that is going to be so severe that most humans are going to be in bloody wars over food and water access before most of us manage to pay off our mortgages. Mad max ring a bell? 

   Knowing that a vegan diet is the only diet that is scientifically proven to reverse and cure most of the chronic, degenerative diseases that kill modern humans. Having to work at a hospital where you greet everyone who comes in. You see that they all have chronic degenerative diseases. You know  all they have to do to overcome these conditions is to start eating a whole foods plant based diet. Yet they are all oblivious. 

   This is a major downside of being a vegan.

   This is something that vegans stress over on almost a daily basis. Luckily we have our health or we probably would have ended our life by now knowing all of this. When you have to think about this stuff on a daily basis, and you know that the most effective and easiest way to combat these atrocities it to take 4 things out of your diet, something this easy is almost mind boggling. 

   Knowing that people are so brainwashed and socially conditioned to believe that these animal foods are good for us or somehow necessary. Knowing we are so brainwashed to think that killing this many animals, feeding and sheltering (enslaving) this many animals, literally billions, is normal, natural or necessary. Anyone whether black, white, yellow, red, furry, scaly, feathery or prickly, if they have a heart beat, can breath, walk, feel, love or jump with joy, that life matters, and should not be taken. The animals are what keep us going, and we will never stop speaking up for them. Not as long as people are still supporting this shit. We are a voice for the voiceless. 

   Stop supporting the industries that are killing all life on this planet and start cutting this food out of your life. It isn't hard. Millions of us are already making the transition.


 Go vegan today!


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