I'm Mad As Hell, And I'm Not Going to Take This Anymore!

All faggots are niggers! 
No, all niggers are faggots! 
Stupid liberals are being brain washed! 
No, stupid conservatives are being brain washed!
Vote Democrat!
Vote Republican! 
Beware of the Muslims! 
 Beware of the African Americans!!

Stop! All of us are being brainwashed! Wake the fuck up! They are blatantly dividing us! How can you not see this? The more you listen to the radio, watch commercial television, news and the internet, the more brainwashed you are! It's called divide and conquer! The Nazis did it with the Jews. They are doing it to us right now. Why is this all happening? Because we have crazy people in charge! 

I am not one of those people who believes that Barack Obama is a Muslim, but I do believe I was duped into voting for him. 

Everyone was. 

This is coming from someone who teared up the night he gave his winning speech and voted for him twice.
He had a slogan and a symbol like all corporations. 

Looking back at the symbolism and empty promises of "Hope" it is very obvious to me now. When I see what Obama is doing today I am appalled that I ever voted for him. I feel like an idiot. It was no different than the advertising we see on a daily basis. He had a slogan and a symbol like all corporations. All he cares about right now is securing his legacy. He is doing this by trying to pass the TPP (the Trans-Pacific Partnership) as fast as he can. He is selling our country out to corporations all because of his ego. He does not care about us. If Hillary gets elected it will be Obama all over again. Trump is no better, he's just like every other Republican. In fact both parties are one in the same. There is only an illusion of a difference. 

The mainstream have us focused on ourselves and what our neighbors are doing. We are not seeing what these sick, psychotic people who rule over us are doing. We need to stop listening to the mainstream. Our attention needs to be on them, on putting a stop to them. 

We have to change. 

If you don't see how sick of a society we are you are very naive. We are killing ourselves, we are ruining the environment, we are fishing all life out of our oceans. We are allowing ourselves to be brainwashed by our leaders and by corporations. It's time to start voting outside of this two party illusion of choice political system.

Do me a favor. Go to YouTube right now and look up children receiving chemo therapy. Watch as many of those videos as you can handle. Then come back to this blog and tell me you are not angry as hell. Tell me you don't have tears in your eyes. I've been crying my eyes out seeing all of this evil going on.

 It's right in front of our faces and yet we are more worried about shootings or terrorist. Shootings that are only being painted worse by the media. The media is a tool to control the masses. Pull back the curtain and you will see how much of the truth is really being told. We are more worried about "terrorists" than how sick they are making everyone. You are more likely to be killed by cancer or heart disease than by a terrorist. Terrorism was created to strike fear in us and to distract us. You can pretty much guarantee anything you hear on the news is distracting you from the government and what is really going on. It's not terrorist you should be afraid of. It's the food you are eating, the drugs being passed our like candy and the medical doctors that are supposed to "cure" us. 

They are killing our children right before our eyes! Some of these medical doctors need to be in prison for these crimes. And they are now forcing us to pay for health insurance. We are becoming sick because we are not eating natural food. We are eating processes packaged shit. We are addicts, every single one of us. This is created from false knowledge of the food we eat. Some people might say that a raw diet is extreme. 


What's extreme is taking a person or a child who's body  is so eaten up with acidosis from the food they eat and giving them radiation to cause more acidosis. Ultimately killing them! 

Let me ask you a question. Why did we start cooking our food? We have been cooking it for centuries, I know this! Just answer the question. 

Why do we cook our food?

 Do you realize humans are the only species on the planet who cooks our food. Did you ever think that heating up our food is killing all of the vitamins and nutrients? The nutrients we need to stay healthy and focused? If you were to go to YouTube and watch people who eat a fully raw lifestyle you would see that they feel amazing and more alive than they have ever felt. And they'll tell you with enthusiasm! 

It starts with our physiology. If you were left out in nature only with the tools you have physically what would you eat? We have no physical tools for chasing down prey and ripping it apart as would true carnivores or omnivores. We have no sharp claws or long canine teeth to rip the flesh off of a live animal. We have short canines like herbivores do. We don't have four legs to chase down and eat prey. Our stomachs weren't designed to digest raw meat, bones or fur. We have two hands and two feet to climb, pick, peel and eat our food. Similar to primates: apes, chimpanzees and monkeys. We are frugivores. 

Symbolism brainwashing at it's finest!

If you are brainwashed from watching the mainstream then you are brain-dead if you consume what the mainstream it telling you to consume. It’s time to get angry about this. Not just get angry, it’s time to take action. If you aren't angry after seeing the mainstream media and medical doctors killing people left and right with food, drugs, treatments and surgery, you are very naive! They are poisoning our water too! Fluoride is not good for you. It damages our pineal glands (our third eye). This is where we get our creativity and focus. One of the best investment you can make is buying a water filter that filters out chlorine and fluoride. 

If you don't feel compelled to start changing your lifestyle then you are just mentally exhausted. I understand the mental exhaustion, but something needs to be done now. 

 I am addicted to food that is killing me. I still crave cooked meals at night. But I know once I get all of this shit out of me I will no longer crave it. Once you detox it out of you, you no longer want the shit back inside of you. You no longer crave it. You start craving wholesome raw foods with vitamins, nutrients and life.

I am slowly eating more raw foods, and I plan on being fully raw in the near future. I have been raw till 4 for a few months now. I have never felt more alive or more active in my life. I have not been to the hospital since I started this journey and never plan to return, unless I break a bone or need stitches. 

Physical and mental illnesses are caused by the food we eat. You must realize that disease and disorder is a make believe condition that medical doctors came up with to sell you false "cures". Disease and disorder is the bodies way of detoxing. When you are sick your body is trying to tell you something. It is saying "Stop consuming this shit! I want it out of me! I'm trying to get this shit out! Start consuming healthy nutritious foods! Start healing me! I don't want drugs or treatments. I want to heal!"

We have lost one of our senses. We have allowed mainstream corporations to poison us to the point that we can no longer think for ourselves. We have voted in leaders who are the craziest and sickest people among us. They are a reflection of us and they are the worst of the worst. We need to stop looking at these people as gods. They are criminals. This is why the world is so crazy, why we keep seeing all of these killings, all of this dividing. They are doing it. They are the ones putting it into our heads.

We see what they want us to see. We vote for who they want us to vote for. They are dividing us, fooling us into believing there are only two choices: Republicans or Democrats. There is no such thing. Third party candidates are invisible in the media. Why you ask? Because they don't want you to vote for them! We are being manipulated. 

We no longer live in a democracy. We live in a dictatorship. But most people are blind to it. Most of what you hear, especially on the news, are blatant lies. They purposely steer you towards who they want you to vote for and what they want you to think. Jill Stein is running for president and most people don't even know who she is. Why you ask? Because they don't want you to vote for anyone else but the two parties they are telling you about. Jill Stein is running for the Green Party. This woman actually holds most people's values and morals. She was at the Dakota pipeline protest spray painting "I approve this message" on one of the bulldozers. This is exactly the type of person I would want as my president. Someone who stands up and takes action for us.
How many of you have seen Hillary or Trump actually doing something worth while for the American people?
Jill was on PBS and they censored her. If you watch the original censored interview they make her sound like a crazy person. Our rights are being taken away from us! How can you not see it? Freedom of press is gone. Seriously wake up!

There is only one side, our side. We all need to come together and stop listening to them. Stop choosing sides. Turn off your television. Shut off your radio. Stop scrolling through Facebook. As long as we are a sick society we cannot expect the government to help us. They only want to profit from us.

We have to start thinking of ways to heal ourselves and stop listening to the mainstream medical doctors. For the love of god stop watching shows like Dr. Oz and The Doctors! Those shows are pure entertainment. Most of us view medical doctors as the ultimate authority figures of health. But most of them really know nothing about curing us. They only know how to prescribe expensive medicine and treatments. They know little to nothing about what is really best for curing us and that is nutrition and what we should be eating to save us.

 We need to stop viewing these people as the ultimate authority in health and start viewing them as the criminals they are. I seriously get disturbed thinking of how these people can administer chemo therapy to a 5 year old and sleep well at night. We need to start experimenting with new healthier ways of eating and start curing ourselves of all these diseases and disorders. 

The government is not on our side. They cannot help us. We have to help ourselves. It starts with getting rid of our addictions and healing this sick society. It starts with turning off the media. It starts with a clear mind.

These people are the sickest among us:


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