Some people will never go vegan...

   People love to criticize or "demonize the messenger" when discussing veganism. Weak minded people do this instead of listening to the actual message. A weak minded person feels judged when they see someone doing better than them ethically. Strong minded people do not feel judged and are mentally capable of understanding the message. Strong minded people feel empathy for living creatures other than humans. They are able to accept that what they are doing is unethical. The weak minded would rather live in blissful ignorance of what is really going on: a holocaust. 

   If you respect the definition of a holocaust it is completely justified for a vegan to compare the holocaust to what is going on to billions of animals right now. The definition of a holocaust is destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. Another comparison would be genocide. Instead of realizing this is true for the animals they will point their finger at the messenger calling them a horrible person for bringing up the holocaust. There is no logic here. What is happening to these animals is a holocaust. I don't see any other way to compare it. Vegans bring awareness to the truth about animals. Weak minded people get easily offended by it and start pointing fingers and making excuses. Strong minded people do not get offended. They look at themselves and see what they need to do to change. That is the truth of the matter. This is why some people will not go vegan...

   I am not saying that weak minded people are stupid. I am pointing out how mentally incapable they are of understanding and accepting what I just said. People are smart enough to realize that contributing to the mass slaughter of living creatures is morally wrong. It's the weak minded who can't accept or handle it in a logical conversation. These are the people who won't make the connection or change their behavior. The sad part is that most of them are compassionate people they just aren't mentally strong enough to make that connection with the animals. Some really don't care at all. I have zero tolerance for selfish assholes who don't care about other living beings. 

Cows getting excited after being released from a barn.

   Animals may not have the level of intelligence we do but they are living creatures. They feel pain, fear, happiness, excitement and sadness just as we do. I totally get that it is much easier to bury your head in the sand. There were many difficult times in my vegan journey where I have wished I could go back and be blissfully ignorant. But would I really want to have my conscience constantly eating away at me every time the subject of animal slaughter comes up? I wouldn't. 

   When you look into the eyes of that animal being killed you see the terror. You make the connection and you no longer support that with your money. That's what a strong minded person does. You no longer want to because you understand and see how terrible it is. It's that simple. If you can't see that you are either a coldhearted narcissist or just weak minded. 

   Do not purchase it. That is how you stop it and we all have the power to do so. The more animal products we buy the more animals die. In this day and age it is so easy to go vegan. There is more info and help out there on the internet with apps, videos and recipes than there was 5 years ago. There are way more vegan products than there was 5 years ago. There really is no excuse anymore.

Go Vegan Today!


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